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About Us 

The legal firm was founded by Dr. Ricardo Victorio Moscariello in the month of April 1972. From the beginning it was oriented to the comprehensive advice of Companies, Municipalities, Communes and Civil Organizations. In the course of time, various professionals joined, including the attorney Mario Secchi. 

Subsequently, Drs. Hugo Luis Domingo and Agustín Roberto Moscariello, who undoubtedly strengthened the pristine principles expressed. 

 A spirit of internal collaboration was always maintained between the different members, and of service to clients, trying to maintain the best quality of legal service.

Currently, the professional development of the study extends to the personal attention of the Courts of the city of Rosario, Villa Constitución, San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, Venado Tuerto and the city of Buenos Aires.

Our specialization: legal advice for companies and corporations.

Meeting the team

Dr. Ricardo V. Moscariello
Lawyer (UCA - 1972). Diploma of Honor. 
Former Professor of Tort Law (UCA).
Dr. Hugo L. Domingo
Lawyer (UCA - 1981). 
Professor of Administrative Law (UCA).
Mag. Agustin R. Moscariello
Lawyer (UCA - 2005).
Master in Administrative Law. (Universidad Austral Bs. As. 2008). Diploma of Recognition.
Professor of Administrative Law (UCA).
Dr. Esteban V. Moscariello
Lawyer (UCA - 2003).
Agribusiness Specialist.
Dra. Danisa Giurlani